Is it possible to install Chrome OS Flex on Acer C720-2848 Peppy (2GB RAM + 16GB SSD)

Mr. Chromebox, this is the same C720-2848 from which I removed the SSD, as described in this post.

I decided to try to install Chrome OS Flex on it. I have an installation flash drive.

But I can’t start booting from the flash drive. When the splash screen appears on the screen (a hare or who is it?), I press Esc and get to the menu of your firmware. If I try to go to any of the items there, I just get a black screen, and that’s it. That is, I can’t tell the laptop to boot from the flash drive.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Or is it impossible to install Chrome OS Flex on this laptop at all?

NVRAM bug in older firmware. Try booting a Linux USB with no SSD attached, update the firmware, clear the NVRAM, reboot.

If you can’t boot a Linux USB, then just flash with a USB programmer.

I can do that, but I need a manual. Can you give me an URL with manual on how to do that?

To do this follow these steps, first boot off of a Ubuntu ISO and on the step up screen click “Try Ubuntu”, Then open terminal

After that, use the same curl command that you used in chromeos.

After it loads press 1.

The hit enter. On the confirmation prompt, press Y than enter,
After the firmware finshes press C. Then confirm,

After that press R than enter to reboot.
Than your done!
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Aha! I know this procedure! Very good, thank you! Will do that tomorrow and return with result. (I did the same procedure under the Chrome OS, and now I have to replace Chrome OS from SSD with Ubuntu from USB flash).

Your welcome!

I did as you said. However, I took not Ubuntu, but Xubuntu Minimal (and then I had to do apt-get update to install curl). And everything worked out! The firmware was updated, and when booting you can choose to boot from a flash drive. Chrome OS Flex was installed, now I’ll set it up. Hooray!! Thank you very much!!

thank you

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Mister Chromebox, thank you too for your firmware and manuals!

thank you

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