Write protection jumper on an Asus CX1700CK

Trying to install Windows 11 onto this Asus CX1700CK, following CoolStar’s installation helper. MrChromebox’s website says this model requires a jumper to be bridged but I cannot for the life of me figure out where it is on this model

If anyone has any idea where the jumper is, please tell me before I have a mental breakdown.

(Disconnecting the battery did not disable it before anyone suggests that)

Bumping this, where the hell is this jumper

Gave up on trying to find the jumper. Flashed the BIOS chip using a programmer.

Could you then please say how else it’s possible to deactivate the WP?

are the docs unclear? use a SuzyQ cable

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@MrChromebox: Thanks for the reply and your great work! In the docs the jumper option for Asus CX1500 and CX1700 ist listed. Thats why many people try to find it and get frustrated.

ok, I’ve changed the default to ‘jumper?’ for boards for which there is no image / no known location. The dedede reference board uses a jumper, so it follows that all of the OEM designs do as well, unless they specifically removed it for some reason

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I just replied to another old post about this model:

Old post, but I just happened to come across this, browsing posts about the CX1700 (which I have). There is no jumper. You have to remove the battery cable from the motherboard and boot from external power to disable write protection. After that you can put the cable back and WP stays disabled.

You must remove the cable from the motherboard. Disconnecting it from the battery end is not sufficient.

Hope this helps somebody in the future. This model makes a great Fedora machine.

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Yours is a GALLOP device?

It is a GALLOP device. I’m using it right now.

thanks, updated the supported devices list on my site

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Actually this board does have a jumper that can be bridged near the BIOS chip. I successfully ran the script and flashed UEFI.