Hey, I ran the installer for the Chrome EC driver and the screen went black. Had to reinstall. I’m using a Lenovo 300e Chromebook 2nd Gen (AMD-A4). Can anyone help me, or does it not matter too much if I don’t install EC?
WeirdTreeThing — Today at 14:06
people unironically use windows on stoney?
TheEpicTen — Today at 14:07
Needed a second windows laptop, had an old chromebook, installed windows.
TheEpicTen — Today at 14:16
What do I miss if I don’t install EC?
TheEpicTen — Today at 14:27
OK. After further testing, Chrome EC is not the problem. I installed no drivers, after reinstalling windows (other then the eMMC driver). The screen flickers, then goes black. After restarting, windows loads, but straight to black screen.
Not sure what’s going on. Can anyone help?
Edit: No difference with external monitor.