What Linux distro to chose?

I have an lenovo Yoga C630 and want to run linux on it and then install and run homeassistant from it…
I wanna go full rom, not legacy… Any recommendations as to what linux distro i should run?

Thanks :blush:
I saw that page in the docs but I meant what distro of those to use with home assistant :blush:

Homeassistant has HAOS which I believe is their Linux customization to run their containers.

I would go with Debian12 (bookworm) or PopOS, Ubuntu is supported (but an advanced install) if you choose to run Linux, with HomeAssistant.

Point of reference: I run HomeAssistant as a Virtual Machine in Proxmox Virtual Environment on an old Athlon64 x4 with 8gb RAM. I had tried running HomeAssistant on top of an Ubuntu VM, but the convenience of HAOS won out and is well supported last I checked in on HomeAssistant development.