Verify it contains a 64 bit UEFI OS

Followed this girls tutorial on yt, she taught me how to get into the boot menu, but she didn’t show me how to actually get a Linus platform like fedora or somtin. And when I try install it via usb stick it says what it says in the title, help can’t find a solution

your USB isn’t bootable. How did you put Linux on it? Following the instructions here? If not, then I would ask for help from the person who’s instructions you are using

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In fact I used you, I sudo bashed it

Try again and use this guide: Making a Bootable USB | Chrultrabook Docs

Will do

that really doesn’t tell us how you wrote the ISO to USB

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I didn’t now I’m doing it, I’m going for fedora

never mind i used Ventoy

think i go it working