Trouble with disabling WP with SuzyQable

I have an Acer Chromebook Spin 512 R856TN which isn’t on the supported devices list but has a similar model name to the “Acer Chromebook Spin 512 (R856T, R856LT)” which is on the supported device list and has the same board name as mine. I enabled CCD and went on to step 2 and ran ls /dev/ttyUSB* which outputted the expected 3 items but also outputted /dev/ttyUSB3 (no idea if that’s related to the problem but I just want to give as much info as possible). I then ran echo "wp false" > /dev/ttyUSB0 and sudo echo "wp false" > /dev/ttyUSB0 but they both returned -bash: /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied and this is where I’m stuck.

what does it say when you run: gsctool -a -I
(capital i)

chronos@craaask-rev5 ~ $ sudo gsctool -a -I State: Locked Password: None Flags: 0x80000103 Current flags: 0x00000103 UartGscRxAP : Y Always UartGscTxAP : Y Always UartGscRxRPMB : Y Always UartGscTxRPMB : Y Always UartGscRxCr50 : N IfOpened UartGscTxCr50 : N IfOpened FlashAP : N IfOpened FlashWP : N IfOpened RebootEC : N IfOpened GscFullConsole : N IfOpened UnlockNoReboot : Y Always UnlockNoShortPP : Y Always OpenNoTPMWipe : Y Always OpenNoLongPP : N IfOpened RemoveBatteryBypassPP : N IfOpened I2C : N IfOpened FlashRead : Y Always OpenNoDevMode : Y Always OpenFromUSB : N IfOpened OverrideBatt : N IfOpened AllowUnverifiedRO : Y Always (Never) CCD caps bitmap: 0x229817 Capabilities are modified.

your CCD is locked, you can only disable WP after unlocking/opening it as per the instructions

I unlocked it again and am still getting the same result

that’s not how the instructions tell you to do it:

What am I doing wrong? I genuinely have no idea. I followed all the instructions besides running sudo gsctool -a -I to show that ccd is opened.

it’s literally in the directions I linked:

  1. log in as root

you can’t run the echo commands using sudo, you have to be root.

Oh. How do I do that?

Nevermind I got it. Tysm I’m so slow

I think I’ve got WP disabled but not completely sure.
I followed the instructions but the gsctool -a -I command I’m not sure if I’m reading correctly. I am using a ACER chromebook plus (CB514-4HT) which is supported. crossystem wpsw_cur does return 0. this is the output of gsctool -a -I

any help on confirming I’m ok to proceed or guidence on what I may have done wrong is appreciated.
Thanks in advance

not sure why you wouldn’t just run the firmware utility script, it will tell you clearly if WP is disabled or not

ok thanks, will do that.
was just a bit nervous

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