Suggested replacement distro for Toshiba Chromebook 2 SWANKY running Gallium

I have an old system running Gallium just for web browsing. Any suggestions for a suitable light replacement?

Are the benefits worth the change?

Thanks David.

You’ve already gone through and removed the write protect screw, correct?
If you’ve already run through enabling Developer Mode and then installing the custom firmware mentioned in the steps starting here: Enabling Developer Mode | Chrultrabook Docs
…then I would recommend a light distro such as MX Linux or Fedora XFCE.
More info on MX Linux:
More info on that Fedora spin: Fedora Spins | The Fedora Project

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You can research lightweight Linux distros for old computers and then choose one that is supported by Chrultrabook out of the options.


Im using fedora xfce spin its pretty light

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Fedora XFCE is a good option.

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What are your opinions about Xfce vs lxqt?

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Thanks for the suggestions. I did remove the write protect screw to install Gallium 2.1, but that was way back in 2018.

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LXQt is not really a DE. So for average users, I’d recommend Xfce 10 times out of 10.

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What key features is lxqt missing that makes it not a DE in your definition?

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I would as well. Someone coming from a KDE install or Windows install would find navigating lxqt a bit difficult I feel.

It doesn’t use its own window manager, and it’s not a particularly well-integrated DE since each of its components are designed to be possible to use standalone.