Sasukette UEFI ROM

Trying to install Debian on this thing to make it more useful to me. I have successfully installed it using rw-legacy but theres an issue with the boot option not persisting meaning i have to manually boot from file on every boot. This issue doesn’t exist on the UEFI fullrom but i cannot find the WP jumper on this board anywhere, nor can I find a topic for sasukette as to where it is. I found where the jumper is for sasuke, but there is no info on sasukette, and it is not in the same place (on sasuke, you remove a bit of conductive tape near the wifi card, this area doesnt exist on sasukette)

this has a simple fix which is listed in the FAQ:

use a SuzyQ cable to disable WP if jumper is not available

sorry for no reply, got around to this now. Disabled write protect by shorting p3 to p8 on the bios rom while running a flashrom command on loop until success and that worked. From there, the full rom had the sideaffect of fixing the boot options not persisting + it not picking up the EFI files at /efi/debian. Thanks for the suggestions, anyways

that’s because the UEFI Full ROM has NVRAM support and RW_LEGACY doesn’t

Just curious, When I was running RW_LEGACY, the system would not boot debian until manually dropping the grubx64 file at efi/boot/bootx64.efi. Why upon switching to the full rom am I able to boot debian without doing this? I don’t have a specific boot option for debian, it just selects the ‘emmc device’, finds the grubx64.efi in /efi/debian and boots it. I don’t understand why that is, and would very much so like to.

you sure there isn’t anything at /efi/boot/bootx64.efi? Because those are the only two options, either something exists at the default bootloader location, or there is a bootorder entry for another location which has higher priority than the eMMC drive

yeah, totally my bad there. When I first checked, the custom boot option wasn’t there, but i just checked now and it was. probably missed it because I was doing this at 2am, lmao