Recover from a botched ccd open ? Boot loop applying critical update


I have a lenovo duet ( Krane device ). I enabled developer mode, then installed archlinux on it. Everything was working well ( except hardware video decode ).

I then ordered a suzyqable, to try to change the timeout of the developer mode boot screen.

I realized you need to open the ccd to disable write protection, and having no more chromeos, I resorted to compile gsctool, inhibit the power button on my distro, and happily pressed that power button everytime gsctool would ask.

After a few minutes, the tablet rebooted, and is now stuck in a bootloop with a white screen “Your system is applying a critical update, please do not turn it off” showing up for a couple seconds, then a reboot and same thing.

If I press together both volume keys and power button while the tablet is rebooting, I seem to be able to boot in recovery ( the tablet asks for a recovery usb key ). I used that menu to turn the tablet off.

My question is, is there any way to recover from this without having to do a full chromeos recovery, then reinstall my linux distrib ?

I have some configs and tools I had to use to stabilize the tablet and a few locally compiled programs that I did not back up unfortunately, so if someone has a way to recover from this, or at least access the local filesystem so I can backup my /home, that would be super helpful :slight_smile:

I tried various shims but was not able to get out of the bootloop, so reinstalled chromeos with a recovery usb drive. Fun fact, the ccd was opened after reinstall, so gsctool did its job even if it created a bootloop…

I got stuck in the same problem how do I fix it?