Local Host Login is asking for a password when I enter chronos

I have a Asus C320C Chromebook. I’m trying to follow the instructions from MrChromeBox.tech. I have removed the WP screw and configured developer mode(which seems to work). I have also disconnected the battery(not sure if that’s necessary) just in case that was my issue. I am also the original owner of the book
My issues is when I am in VT2, and enter chronos at the login, its asking for a password. From what I understand it is not suppose to be needed. The splash screen does say I should be able to logon as chronos.
I did try the terminal window under guest and enter “shell”, I see a chronos prompt, but when I type in the script command to start the firware down load it also asks for a pass word.
One video I watched it says if this is happening you did something wrong. I have retried serval times, and always end up in the same spot. Not sure what Im doing wrong. Another mentioned control C, after a miss type. Tried that also. Any help is appreciated.

It seems that a developer mode password is set. Try logging in as root(instead of chronos) and then typing chromeos-setdevpasswd. Reset the password using this. If you can’t, then powerwash the device.

SMH, this is what happens when you don’t follow directions / enable things you don’t understand (ChromeOS Debugging Options).

Thanks for the advice. I tried the root option and no success. I’ll give powerwash a try.

I suspected this is what happened so the powerwash should fix it.

what did you try? what does "no success’ mean?

no one can understand what the issue is with such a vague description

If a password is set for chronos then the root user is disabled. I just wanted them to try logging in as root. If it had worked then something was definitely wrong.

The powerwash worked, Thanks. I was able to try it last night everything worked as expected.

good to hear