I am trying to overwrite the firmware on a Lenovo Thinkcentre M60q chromebox. From the supported devices, it says that I should be able to disable the write protect by removing the battery. However, the only battery is the CMOS battery, and removing it doesn’t work. There is no Ti50 chip or anything that looks like a write protect screw.
where are you getting that the WP disable method is battery? It says no such thing in the supported devices list.
In the list on the mrchromebox website this specific device is listed as CR50. I did not see any jumpers on the motherboard so I assumed it would be tied to the battery. I have attached a picture of the motherboard in case I missed it. I am able to buy a Suzy cable, I just wanted to see if there better options or if I missed something.
devices which are CR50/battery explicitly say, ‘CR50/battery’.
devices which are CR50/jumper explicitly say, ‘CR50/jumper’
devices which are CR50/screw explicitly say, ‘CR50/screw’
Yes, I see that now. Is there any way to disable the WP without using the Suzy cable, or is it required for this chromebox model.
if there were another method available, it would be listed on my site
ThinkCentre M60q Chromebox / M60q Chromebox Enterprise Hardware Maintenance Manual page 32 (pdf page 38) https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkcentre_pdf/m60q_chromebox_hmm.pdf mentions jumper to disable write protection (use a screw to short the onboard R10 Write-Protect pads)
Edit: confirmed disabling WP with SuzyQable does work, but device is bricked after UEFI flash
I’ll need to have you flash a debug build if a reflash via the Suzy-Q doesn’t fix the problem