Lenovo Ideapad 3 Chrome 15IJL6 Write Protect

Greetings! I just purchased this brand new Lenovo Ideapad laptop from Best Buy with the explicit interest in opening it up and hacking the firmware to install Linux onto it. In the process of doing so I checked the coolstar guide but did not find this model mentioned. Once I checked through some of the close options I noticed the mention of write protect. I checked that link but could not for the life of me find where it shows the jumper position on the board I need to bridge. Furthermore I also found out that, apparently, I do not have to do that for Linux? That is news to me as someone who has done this to almost a dozen different Chromebooks over the years.

Anyways, I would really appreciate any help on this :slight_smile:

the supported devices list on mrchromebox.tech is authoritative, use your board name (not make/model) to look up

I do not see any such name like “Clipper” or Stout" or anything like that.

Okay so I looked up the CPU model and cross-referenced that with Lenovo and found the correct model. Looks like this is the one I assumed it was already. I have the write-protect jumper bridged and I have RW_Legacy installed, so I presume I have to somehow use the CR50 SuzyQ method without ChromeOS being installed anymore? Hmm. Not sure how to do that.

what do you mean you don’t see it? What is your device’s board name? The supported devices page literally tells you how to determine it.

If you have RW_LEGACY installed, then you ran my script, and the script menu literally tells you what the board name is.

I checked the motherboard and it does not have any board name like that printed anywhere on it. I have also already run the script so I cannot pull that back up to look at it again. RW_Legacy is already installed and ChromeOS is not on the laptop anymore, so there’s no way to easily hop in and check. I can boot a live Linux install USB. Would that help?

SMH. where do the docs say the name is printed on the mainboard?

just run the script from linux and look at the header above the menu

I apologize. I read the document but I did not see anywhere where it mentioned how to find the board name. I presumed there was some way to check for compatibility BEFORE attempting the mod. My mistake.

Anyways I used neofetch in the terminal and got: Blipper Rev3

It is the one I had been assuming it is. It is on the list. So that means performing the SuzyQ CR50 steps, but without ChromeOS installed. Hmm.

there is, I don’t know how we can make it more clear

you can just bridge the jumper and flash from Linux.

I bridged the jumper with the battery disconnected and it still says “Read Only” in Linux. Does that not matter for flashing it? I can the command just to test I could get into the menu and it does work, but I have not attempted to flash it yet.

I apologize for any frustration I have caused. I am not well versed in this and all the other devices that I used didn’t cause me such frustrations. Thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

what says read only? that’s not verbiage used by my script

In Linux Mint, in “Disks”, the eMMc storage shows up as “read only”.

Okay so I went for the flash and it did work, however I still cannot get Linux to install. Super weird :confused:
Seems only Windows wants to install. I will give it a try later with LMDE6 and see how it goes, but so far the eMMC is in read-only mode in the USB live installer, and attempting to install to it fails because of this. Weird.

firmware write protection has nothing whatsoever to do with the internal storage.

Had you installed and started Windows before you tried linux? Windows stupid “shutdown but not really” default could cause that linux wont write to disk.