Hi guys/gals!
I am new to this forum, and I like what I see already, I read a few posts and it is nicely organized. I am writing to ask for advice and what to do…
it is not a life-death situation for me, I have a few too many computers, and I enjoy this as an adventure, so it is not a big deal if this is not solved, but the obsession of knowing led me to write this topic here.
I have a Lenovo IP 5 16IAU7 16" UWXGA Chromebook Pentium 8505 8GB Ram 128GB eMMC version.
I used the
instructions (knowing that it is for i3, I took the risk) and I can use an NVME drive now to boot the chromeos, which works fine, except for one problem that I noticed.
The problem is that the chromeos does not recognize the microphone mute key and recognizes it as search key (i am not sure if it is the name what used to be caps lock) and all the numpad keys are absent as well as page up down…
fun fact: I have the i3 model, too and there in the diagnostics it shows the mute microphone key, which is the same keyboard in 8505 (except the backlight) and it doesn’t show in the diagnotics in chromeos.
I tried to revert to emmc, and again, I am able to boot from emmc, and still the keyboard problem persists. I did the whole process with homemade suzq cable.
Any suggestions?
I could convert this to ubuntu, I am worried the same problem will exist there, I am worried that the ec chip or an other chip is badly programmed during my adventure.
Thank you!