Is updating Mr Chromebooks firmware necessary or recomended?

Been running Linux Mint on my Chromebook for a year thanks to MR Chromebooks instructions. I am about to do a nuke and pave and install the new major release of Mint. Do I need to update the firmware to the latest before I do the upgrade. Or will the older one work just fine?
If so can you give me instructions on how to do that? Using UEFI and only Linux - no dual booting.

if it’s not broken, and the newer firmware doesn’t fix something or add a new feature you want, leave well enough alone.

Firmware is updated via linux the same as in ChromeOS – by running the Firmware Utility Script from a terminal/command line

Thanks for the response. I am sorry it’s been a year since I did this so I don’t remember. Can you tell me how to find the version of the firmware installed on the chromebook?
Also point me to the web page that gives the information on the changes to the various versions?
Also instructions how to run the firmware utility. I did not find it on the machine but I did not know where to look either.

all of that is on