Is it possible to install Windows 10/11 on HP Chromebook x360 without plus?

Hey guys, sorry for the (probably dumb) question;

I read the docs on Getting Started | and reddit and found out that my chromebook may or may not be supported; as you can see on the screenshot, there is support for the JOXER HWID, but the model listed is the HP Chromebook x360 plus and I do have the standard one (Amazon link below).

Anyone here that can tell me if it is possible? Thanks in advance!

HWID: JOXER-ZELGÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=CWR6BMC31ON0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AtuD3_-dBAyNgfRJjol54z5kDPpTb5lR00IW620S0_omluEJQ5O48ccM4UB8uGCIyZ_54EVJxUiqcrHCFSy2CgfcS3SLa7v9_bnPs7osZ1EEp5zCQtv9STYngR2rEjg8r41p03quwjqRRJTtUuZ5FB018p5F0FtLUIDuOcRzSsNMQza9TJdNFc8Z_K14tVaUMZ1ecj6cIGThYVTtHVZCQPD_kUcD1YJJhbcbIOo7IFPsJIqbiMKFdGnglzpq4pjvqof_n7sAskU7I69TBTEH9Qv1RKJ8gAuOlZS1xjcqYy4.nrJMD53erQsEQiVUFOxA9ErsrfzrsZdnoI8jvjL2v94&dib_tag=se&keywords=hp%2Bchromebook%2Bx360%2Bplus&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1733999080&s=computers&sprefix=hp%2Bchromebook%2Bx360%2Bplus%2Ccomputers%2C102&sr=1-4&ufe=INHOUSE_INSTALLMENTS%3ADE_IHI_5M_VF&th=1


Hey, thanks for the reply!

Do you have any clue on where I could get the correct drivers?
Navigating through Coolstar‘s site, choosing HP and the N100 processor series I only get to choose from these 3 models (see image)

EDIT: also, the JOXER is not listed under Alderlake-N models

all of the ADL-N models should use the same drivers.

Awesome, thanks!