Internal drive rendered inaccessible

I’ve gone with the full UEFI firmware, and am trying to flash arch Linux onto it. When I try to go through the installation process, it says that the internal drive is full. I have since booted into pop os to try installing that, with the same error. Finally, I’ve booted into manjaro with xfce, and can see the drive has a couple different directories, such as dev_image, encrypted, home, reboot_vault, unencrypted, and var_overlay. It also has two other files, encrypted.block, and encrypted.key. the home directory has 2 empty folders, chronos and user, and 1 un-openable directory named root.

I also tried writing to the drive manually, which failed, both with and without the battery plugged in to disable write protect. I even tried updating the firmware, which seemed to work, though didn’t fix the problem. Please help!

Edit: the board is a LASER14

Use a disk manager like GParted and delete all the partitions. Dr.Parted Live distro is only 750mb and has the tools you need from a bootable usb, though I think many distros make gparted available during an install(endevourOS for example)

Given some of the folders are labeled firmware, won’t that delete the firmware, bricking the device?

No, the firmware you’re concerned about isn’t stored on the disk.

Thanks, that worked!