Install Driver to show hardware when I boot up bootable Win11 installer on my HP Chromebook 15.6"

Followed all instruction according to to install win11 (which is showed supported for my device), except I created the boot-able usb using ventoy instead of rufus (as I have no windows pc nearby). Can any one suggest me what to do?

the problem, well documented here and elsewhere, is due to incorrect creation of the Windows install media.

I have accurately followed all steps. Tried windows 10 also no luck, same things show also on that. My device also have a eMMC storage card of Kingston TY2964 does this create any issue?

the issue is your install media, we’ve seen this here 1000 times.

Thanks for the reply! So what do you suggest, sir. Should I have to download the win 11 iso again ? What application I will use ? Is it rufus or Windows Media Creation Tool

both of those tools are known to work properly

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I got a new solution which don’t require a windows pc anymore! If you have installed linux in your chromebook you can successfully make bootable usb following this method Creating a bootable Windows 11 USB flash drive in Linux (