Hey everybody,
I recently bought a HP Chromebox G2 on ebay. My plan was to install Linux on it and to use it as a server.
Unfortunately I seem to have bricked it. At first I tried it out normally, to confirm the hardware is working. The chromebox also automatically did a system update, which ran through successfully.
Unfortunately I am not sure what exactly happened next. I was trying to access the developer menu, but the chromebox appeared to be stuck, so I removed the power. But after that I got just a blackscreen, though the power button lights up and the CPU gets warm.
So I think I might have accidentally triggered a hard reset and pulled the plug during that. But even trying a reset again (power + reset) doesn’t do anything.
Luckily I already had a ch341a programmer lying around (modded to be 3.3V compatible), so I attempted to install the full rom (coreboot_edk2-fizz-mrchromebox_20240914.rom) as per instructions on Unbricking/Flashing with a ch341a USB Programmer | MrChromebox.tech
(Write protect screw removed. Also carried over the VPD and HWID)
But unfortunately I got no luck so far, I still get no boot screen.
Does anyone have a pointer on how to recover from a situation like that?
It would be a shame if that hardware would go to waste.