HP Active Pen on Jinlon?

Has anyone here gotten the HP Active Pen working on linux (Ubuntu 24.04) on Jinlon?

With a vanilla install, the “Tablet” section of gnome-settings shows no tablet, so I think it’s a matter of correctly detecting the hardware via libinput?

The screen works great as a touchscreen, just not as a tablet with the pen.


Ubuntu isn’t supported, behavior like that can be expected

I’ve tried Debian 12 and gotten the same thing. I’m trying Ubuntu 24 now because it has the latest kernels (newer than Debian 13).

I’m not sure what “supported” means in this context. Are you saying that other distros have working wacom support for this device?

“not supported” means that if you have a problem and ur on Ubuntu then the people answering your question will say “Install something else”. If u have a problem with audio not working, WeirdTreeThing will not help u unless it’s on a “supported” distro.

Honestly, I just want to know if any distros support the screen behaving as a wacom tablet with a USI pen. If anyone has a working setup, please let me know which distro and setup scripts you’ve been using.

Idk. I use a Jinlon daily but don’t have a USI pen.