HP 11 5G chromebook bricked after trying to update firmware

Hello, I have a chromebook with the full UEFI installed around half a year ago and yesterday i tried to update the UFEI but it failed and it went all downhill from here. The chromebook when I updated the UFEI had Artix (with openrc) on it and i did these Steps.

Opened the terminal with an account.

Typed cd; curl -LO mrchromebox.tech/firmware-util.sh && sudo bash firmware-util.sh. as the wiki stated.

Installed dmidecode (because first time didn’t work and required it).

Redid step 2.

Followed the prompts as the wiki stated.

Then i got the error, i dont exactly remember the error but i do remember that it showed something with a filesystem on it. I tried to retry the process but with the same exact error. I tried researching and using a bit of chatgpt but didn’t find nor get too much. I then had to put fixing it on hold for some time, locked the chromebook, and when i came back the chromebook shut down and was fully bricked with a black screen and nothing on it. The only thing i could really do after waiting a min was trying to hard reset which ended up turning off the screen and now i cant seem to even turn on the chromebook. I’m completely stuck and dont know what to do at the moment. I also dont either have a usb programmer nor SuzyQable. What should i do :slightly_frowning_face:?

then you’re going to need to get one.

saving/posting the error here would have been a better thing to do than asking a chatbot. Normally when there is an error, it tells you not to shut down or restart. You apparently ignored that, and now you have a brick.