How to get Keyboard Backlight

Have an Osiris running Arch everything works execpt the Keyboard backlight

You may need to purchase a new backlight for your keyboard, or google how to turn it on.

works In chromeos

bring up command prompt (as administrator)
type the following:
%programfiles%\crosec\ectool.exe kblight 100
%programfiles%\crosec\ectool.exe rgbkbd demo 1

running Arch

You can try turning on the keyboard backlight using ectool, which you can download from Artifacts · Dustin L. Howett / ectool · GitLab

It’s the Chromebook ectool

I have keyboard backlight working in all my chromebooks running linux. The cinnamon desktop has control for screen brightness and keyboard brightness. Or. This command running as root on a terminal will also work just change the # for you liking.
echo 10 | tee /sys/class/leds/chromeos::kbd_backlight/brightness