I have an unreleased product from Google, codenamed “Meowth”,
I don’t know whether it should be classified as a ChromeBook or a Pixel Slate…
I also don’t know which device it should be classified as…
【 CPU:CannonLake-Y - intel Core M3-8114Y ES - 60662/60663】
This CPU does not seem to be in the supported list of known devices?
After I started Meowth,
its initial system information was:
Chromium OS: [v65.0.3322.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit)]
Platfrom: [10318.0.2018_01_22_0344 (Test Build - hungte) developer-build meowth]
BIOS: [Google_Meowth.10449.0.0]
Is there a way to install Linux or Windows on this device?
Maybe I need to modify the BIOS file? Or some other configuration?
I haven’t tried ChromeOS devices before…
So it feels very difficult to operate…
(My English is not very good, so I used a translator, please forgive me if there is any inappropriate expression)
I tried to install Crouton in Chromium OS to use Linux, but the console kept telling me that SSL was invalid, maybe because the original system was too old…
Maybe I need to buy a debug cable to flash it? ?
And I can’t turn this device into recovery mode to boot from USB, none of the regular key combinations work.
MEOWTH was a Cannonlake device that was never brought to production and removed from coreboot several years ago. I don’t think anyone here is going to have any information about the device you have. It does likely support using CCD for WP disable, but there’s no custom firmware for it. And given it’s an early prototype, there’s no telling what works and what doesn’t.
Since you’re asking if it should be classified as a Chromebook or tablet, I’m guessing it’s the latter, and you need to use a different method to get into developer mode:
I can’t enter the recovery mode interface with any shortcut keys,
but I can use Ctrl+Alt+F3 to enter the Console,
Is there have any ways to flash the Linux into it?
not really, no. Does crostini not do what you need?
where did you even find this device?
Hmm, I’m actually very interested in the CPU and the integrated graphics of this device.
This is Intel’s real first-generation 10nm process processor, the Core M3-8114Y, and a working, unreleased Intel Gen10 integrated graphics.
I’d like to try to boot Linux or Windows on this device to perform performance tests on Meowth, such as CPU-z or GeekBench.
But I can’t even get it to boot from USB.
These Meowths are from Lenovo’s factory, so… they are not very common…
if it were me, I’d probably just to build coreboot+edk2 for the board from before it was removed from the tree, then flash it manually if you can’t get into dev mode with WP disabled.
haha… But it is a product that was not released in 2018 after all.
It may have been deleted for a long time when I got it…
Is it possible to use the new version of ChromeOS Flex on Meowth?
Flex doesn’t run on the stock firmware on Chromebooks. And even if it did, you’d not have functional built-in audio.
You’re really going to have a hard time with this canceled pre-production device. It would take me a bit of time and debugging I’m sure even if I had one on hand
hmm… maybe I need to change my mindset…
And I extracted the BIOS file of Meowth, I wonder if you would be interested?
I’m still waiting for the new hard drive to arrive so I can do a full backup of it.
does the device use a NVMe drive? there’s not really anything to back up that you can’t restore using a recovery image (assuming one exists)
I plan to disassemble the eMMC heating and read it using a programmer.
Maybe it’s possible? 
you do you, that’s a lot more effort than I would expend on an old, pre-production, canceled device
And I feel very strange, I can’t find where the USB boot option of this device is, other functions are normal, but the USB boot option seems to be hidden.
I used the Intel FIT tool to check the BIOS, but it seems that there is no relevant option in it… 
not sure what you mean “USB boot option” - that’s not a feature of ChromeOS firmware.
I mean “boot from USB”, say I wish to run a new version ChromeOS?
- install via Recovery Mode
- switch to developer mode, enable dev_boot_usb flag, boot via CTRL+U
I don’t know where you’re going to find a recovery image for meowth/zoombini though
I enabled dev_boot_usb and the system prompts that the boot is successful, but when I enter crossystem again, it shows “(error)”