HELP: Chromebook doesn't power on

What I did is replace the chrome os with debian Linux through mrchromebox bootloader replacement script since Windows doesn’t like my chromebook , it works well with Linux and i install xfce and other stuff. After a day, i try to browse then put the lid close which stills on and I run chrome stuff and music with 84% of battery while lid close then after couple of hours the music suddenly stop and when i try to open it doesn’t display anything and when i press refresh and backward arrow button on top, the power button starts to blink blue, i tried to remove the connection with internal battery from inside and still blinking but red and still not powering

Unit - CB311-9H-C12A (Bobba)
Mfg date - 2020/08/22

?? Doesn’t that put the chromebook to sleep? My Chrome OS does plink after I close the lid aswelll .sorry, I haven’t tried debeian.
The chromebook will take a few seconds to turn back on, sometimes i move my finger on the trackpad, or mush a bunch of keys.

Is that meant to be a hard reset?

Probably should turn it on when the battery and charger are plugged in.