Headset microphone not working

Hi, I’m using Arch Linux on a Asus Chromebook Flip, I installed the audio script and everything seems to be working fine, audio works and the built-in microphone too, also when I plug in my headphones they work, the only thing is that it doesn’t seem to recognize my headphones mic, what can I do to fix this?

When you go to the sound option do you find two option there?

I’m connecting it through jack
I see this in pavucontrol

my headphones are the second one, Controller Pro 1 it works

But in input devices only my laptop’s microphone works

provide me the ss of input device


If you talk connecting your head set do you see any other blue lines fumbling except controller 99? If you notice any controller doing the same select the controller and the mic of your headset should work

I tried this and it doesn’t work with any device, except 99

If you go to original sound settings I have mentioned above there should be two options on option is for mono audio and microphone work and another is stereo audio but no mic. It was in the case of my headset. Try bluetooth headset it amy solve your problem.

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