GRUB 2.06 not being able to boot Debian Trixie

Hi, i installed debian trixie (unstable) and as soon as i booted into it i get a grub> screen, it also wont recognize my root partition

rw_legacy fw installed
board name: phaser

Which image did you use to install trixie? My attempts to install it always fail, either at the hardware detection step, or if using the live distro, because calamares is missing modules.

I just tried upgrading from bookworm and that was also erroring out. I rolled things back, but at a glance, some issues that seemed present were defaulting to x11 instead of my actual wayland setup, my network setup failed because of authentication issues & that my sddm config was no longer being used.

I now have trixie working, with XFCE/X. Had to do the text-based install. Bookworm never even booted for me, instant reboot after selecting it on the grub menu.

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Got Trixie/Plasma 6 working on Debian. I initially tried following a YT video where the person just changed his sources.list but when that failed, I stopped being lazy and followed the official Debian instructions. (For anyone from the future, all of section 4 was relevant)

Edit: Also had to run the hack from here, and then turn on the default profile under config in pavucontrol to get audio working for kernel 6.12.9-amd64.

Now fully working for me too - had to create an ~/.asoundrc for alsa to default to card 1, device 1, then purge pulseaudio and install pipewire to make sound work.