1.black screen after sleep, system seems responsive, backlight works just black screen. Even after “pmset displaysleepnow”, the screen won’t work again.
2.HDMI recognized monitor but nothing shows on the second monitor.
3.typec output just 4k@30. (and go black screen if type-c plugged in as isi95010 mentioned).
I tried many times change device properties of config.plist but no luck. need some help. sleep problem is the most important because sometime I want to turn off the screen.
I haven’t experienced that with sleep. What have you tried from the Dortania guide about fixing sleep? Does pmset log say something is blocking it from sleep? Mine sleeps perfectly, even hibernation.
I mentioned plugging in the monitor twice per boot. The second time it should work. Attach a screenshot of your DeviceProperties section for the igpu please.
Again, plug it in two times. Also try closing and re-opening the lid after plugging in the second time.
These three points may not be specific to Drallion, if anyone else wants to help. Seems more of an error in your configuration, not a firmware or OS problem.
What CPU and SSD do you have? In addition to the DeviceProperties screenshot, you can share an OC debug txt log.
I rebuild config.plist from the start and all symptoms disappeared. I compared those two and didn’t find out why. It really took me a lot of time trying.