Convert a Verizon connected chromebook - can it still get data?

I am thinking of buying a verizon connected chromebook made by “orbic”.

I am just wondering, first is that device supported? I did not see it on the list of devices. I could not find the board name on the orbic site or the verizon site. Maybe someone here knows?

Second, if I put Alpine Linux or Debian on that connected chromebook, would those be able to use the built in modem and connect to Verizon for data? I asked Verizon support and they said yes but I also got the impression the support person was not too clear on what I was asking. Maybe someone here knows or has tried before?

I just want to see if anyone has tried this already before buying because if it would not work to have a connected laptop running linux I may just get a cheaper chromebook and use wifi hotspot from my phone instead.

Link to the device in question → Orbic Chromebook | Verizon

Hi @justasking , by reviewing the product page in question the CPU is a Qualcomm 7C . Based on that info you cannot run this Chromebook on the coreboot firmware (for now, as this a arm chip). But the answer to your data question is yes, as long as the wifi chip works I think it might work. Debian does have support for it as far as I know, so I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you for the response.