Can't write over ChromeOS because Live USB doesn't detect partition

When I look for partitions to install Ubuntu on my Chromebook, they’re not detected. I get this error when I try to install Ubuntu from the live USB. I have Coreboot on my Chromebook and I can run live USBs. I just need to find the SSD that’s not being detected.

perhaps tell us what device/board name you are using? firmware type and version? We’re not dentists here

TANIKS I’m using a Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming Chromebook with Intel i3 12th gen processor.

you answered one of the 3 questions I asked

Firmware is UEFI. Version 2.70

As you can see, the shell can’t find the hard drive. The write protect was via battery.

I found the thread on GitHub where the problem is. This matches my machine conditions exactly. EDK 2 from UEFI, on TANIKS: Taniks EMMC not seen in coreboot · Issue #470 · MrChromebox/firmware · GitHub

Taniks is supposed to be supported for UEFI firmware install, but the eMMC/NVMe SSD still can’t be seen:

the PCIe->eMMC bridge device that TANIKS uses seems to be problematic for some reason. NVMe is fine. Someone is supposed to sent me one of the eMMC modules for testing.

Ok. So I guess people with my machine just need to wait for the next patch then? Alright. Inshallah it comes soon. This new ChromeOS version that came out is terribly unreliable.

no, they should replace their eMMC with NVMe, or go back to ChromeOS. I have no idea when the issue will be fixed

Are you sure that coreboot is compatible with every NVMe that’s compatible with TANIKS? I will try it later when I get the time, and after I buy an NVMe SSD.