Can't/Don't know how to boot from a USB drive with RW_Legacy firmware

I’m trying to use a chromebook to run Pop_OS! and put the ISO on a usb drive with Rufus. I installed the RW_Legacy firmware and I cant figure out how to boot from the usb drive to install Pop_OS!. Can anyone help me with this?

what device? where are you stuck exactly? The instructions say to boot the RW_LEGACY payload and press ESC for the boot menu when prompted.

its an hp chromebook 360x model 14b-ca0013dx. i installed the RW_LEGACY firmware and it looks like im in a boot manager? im not sure how to boot from my usb drive from here.

posting a picture of the main edk2 screen would help.

i ended up getting the Pop_OS! launcher booting, but whenever i open the installer and press select it just crashes and im not sure why.