Hello there. I read the instructions for installing the full UEFI rom, but am stuck on the part where you disable the CR50 protection.
I already disconnected the battery, and seeing that did not work am now trying to use the jumper method. My issue is that I cannot find the jumpers which disables this protection as the ones which I have tried have all failed. Any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunetely, I do not have the time to wait for a SuzyQ cable. With that being said I do think I finally found the jumper. For some reason said jumper wouldn’t let the laptop start with my thunderbolt dock/charger but using the oem charger worked fine. My only issue now is that I get a “noexec” error when running the command on your website. Some people reccomended remounting, which didn’t seem to work for me, and based on previous replies I saw from you, apparently “noexec” is a warning rather than a error, but I cannot figure out how to bypass it.
why do you think this is a problem? It is, as you noted, a warning. And you shouldn’t even see it for more than a half second if you are indeed running the command on my website
your pic is blurry and rotated, so I can only guess there’s a typo in there somewhere. I can’t reproduce the issue on BANSHEE running latest ChromeOS stable (R127) - the script runs properly
It’s a blur, thats on me for being a terrible photographer. But with that being said, I’ve used this command with every character being the same as what you have on your website and it doesn’t work for me. I can comfirm its not an issue with curl cause the script does download, and I can see it with a simple ls, but the error still shows when I run sudo bash firmware-util.sh
Hmm good point. I’m running a stable build of ChromeOS but have no idea if it is the latest. With that being said, I won’t be able to work on this anymore till next week, and by that time frame I might be able to get a SuzyQable, so I’ll leave this case closed for now and make another issue if this still continues with the SuzyQable, since the original jumper issue was solved. Thank you for using your valuable time to assist me this issue though!