I bought an Acer C710-2856 Q1VZC (Parrot Cobia A-E 6702) (it is IVB) that was bought second hand. The first time it booted, I saw it had a google account. I did the reset/powerwash and it boots fine. The small ssd disk is connected to the sata drive via an adapter that came with the C710.
At this point, I made a raw disk image with gnome-disk-utility of the original 16GB EMMC card in a different computer.
Now I have copied this image to a 500gb mechanical sata disk and this disk is in the C710. It boots up, I was able to add a google account, and at this point the device just sits there with the spinning “please wait” message forever. I cannot get into the Gear settings but I can turn off bluetooth and external usb and hdmi ports are working.
I want to install linux mint and haiku os on it.
Should I put in the original emmc and boot it? Boot up with another image in the recovery mode?