C340-15 mrchromebox.tech supported devices

**Hey folks sorry for bothering you all with my ignorance but I just was confused by a disparity between this forum and mrchromebox. Here on these forums, at Supported Devices and Platforms | Chrultrabook Docs, I see my c340 lenovo Chromebook laptop showing a write protection method of [CR50 (battery) while over at MrChromebox.tech I see a write protection method of [CR50 (SuzyQ, battery - (Disabling Firmware Write Protection | MrChromebox.tech). I don’t have any plans on buying the materials I need to make a suzyq cable so if I need one of those to disable write protection on my chromebook then I’m not going to move forward. However if all I need to do is Power off the device, open it up, disconnect the internal battery connector from the mainboard, reassemble the and boot the device using external power, flashing the firmware, power off the device, remove external power, reattach the battery connector to the mainboard and then connect external power to wake/boot the device then I am willing to give it a shot. Can anyone clarify for me whether or not I actually need a suzyq cable in order to put linux on my Lenovo c340-15 Chromebook? I greatly appreciate any help.

No, you don’t.
I believe that these are just multiple options to choose from.

I have disabled write protect on at least three different devices that list both Battery and SuzyQ for CR50 WP by just doing the battery disconnect method (Elemi, Robo360, and Morphius).

fantastic, thank you. I’ll jump in with both feet hopefully next weekend and try to remember to update this post with the results.

CR50 is what controls WP, SuzyQ/battery are the options to disable it

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