BSOD after waking from sleep (S3) on Windows 11

Hello. I recently wrote Full ROM firmware on a Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i (board name is lillipup) and successfully did a clean install of Windows 11 24H2. I checked Coolstar’s instructions and found the minimum required I also completed the driver installation (there are about 7 unknown devices). I ran sleep and found that S0 (Modern Standby) was enabled, so I changed PlatformAoAcOverride in the registry to revert to traditional S3 sleep. Then, when I tried to run, sleep and wake up, I got a BSOD: Stop code: VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE, What failed: igdkmdn64.sys . I thought it had something to do with the graphics driver, so I tried installing the old graphics driver, but that made no difference. Please help.


I installed windows on a different chromebook and it wouldn’t go to sleep at all. In general Linux is better supported on chromebooks. I got modern standby to work on them with Linux. Not sure if s3 sleep is even supported. On Linux I only have deep (s0ix) and s2idle available.