Booting Linux on Samsung Chromebox 3 (Stumpy)

Hey all,

I have been trying to run the file on my Samsung Chromebox 3 in developer mode for the last few days now with no luck. Initally when trying to fetch the file, curl threw an sslv3 alert handshake failure. I then tried putting the required files on my Chromebox from a USB and running them from there, and recieved an error This script only supports 64-bit OS on x86_64-based devices; ARM devices are not supported. (uname -m outputs i686). Am I SOL and if so what alternatives do I have to boot Linux?

Let me know if you have any further questions or if there is any other information I can provide to help out

the instructions on my site give the correct command line argument to use when installing on EOL devices like STUMPY which have ssl certificate issues – are you using that?

not sure what you hoped to accomplish / expected to go differently by running the script from USB, but whatever you were doing you were not running the script from a ChromeOS shell as the script expected.

Yeah I added -k to the curl command which still gave me the same error. For the USB I never ran anything on it, I only used it to put the files onto my machine (as the curl command didn’t work)

Also as I mentioned above, I realized that the file only works for x86_64 devices, and when running uname -m on my Chromebox, I recieve an output of i686 which means I cannot use the util. So I was wondering what other options I had

STUMPY is a supported device, and has an x86_64 CPU, and I’m fairly sure it’s running a 64-bit OS. You’re the first person to report an issue with it so not sure exactly what’s going on. I suggest performing a USB recovery and then trying again

Yeah thats why this confused me as well is all of the information that I have seen online states that the Samsung Chromebox 3 runs on an x86_64 CPU. But somehow this chromebox seems to be running a 32 bit OS… :frowning:

I will try to perform a USB recovery and let you know if it provides me with different results.

Also let me know if I can provide you with any more info to see why my Chromebox is not running a 64-bit OS.

IT WORKED! I was running such an old version of ChromeOS that curl and other commands must have just been super outdated and not have worked. Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

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