Firstly, thanks to the developers and this community, in the space of 30 minutes I took a brand new Asus CX1 Chromebook, wiped ChromeOS and had it running Linux Mint 22, everything JUST WORKED. Amazing. Only slight issue was the sound card, but that was solved by installing the ALSA Manager utility in Mint.
Question. Is there a way to get the ‘Full ROM’ UEFI firmware (Coreboot) to boot from an SD card on the in-built SD Card reader? If I put the SD card in a USB reader it works, but just the SD card in the laptop port doesn’t get recognized.
I am willing to help out with this. I was going to make a cable the other day but didn’t have any 56kOhm resistors in my stash, I’ll order some and get that underway.
Do you have a debug build that I can flash or should I build my own?