Best linux OS for C13 Yoga thinkpad?

I bought the 4gb soldered C13 yoga, I find almost every Linux Os to lag a little bit, any other OS that is easy to use and doesn’t have crazy Ram usage?

Have you tried zram? and / or a swapfile

In terms of smoothness desktop environment matters much more than distro, I would recommend using either Debian or Arch as everything else is either based on those two or Fedora (which I’ve disliked ever since the VAAPI incident).

For a light smooth experience I would recommend either gnome or plasma with the wayland session (which one performs better has varied between setups but recently I’ve found KDE to be a little smoother). Both have a reputation for being “bloated” but their wayland sessions tend to run far smoother than other desktop environments based on X11 (Cinnamon, XFCE, etc). That being said, they probably do use more ram than older X11 environments. If you need something really light you could try

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I would recommend zram with zstd and 1:4 zram ratio (so 16GB zram in ur case). Also with 4GB RAM you’re probably going to have a laggy experience no matter what OS.

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ah i see, tyty

I recommend setting up Arch Linux either manually or using the archinstall script and running through what Raj mentioned previously. I’d also like to note that both Fedora Gnome and Fedora Sway ran really well on this hardware for me, though I had the 8GB model.

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tysm, 4gb ram really sucks alot when it comes to multiple program :sob: