Audio not working on asus c434t with alpine 3.20 even after using WeirdTreeThing's audio script

I installed alpine a little while ago on my asus c434t but audio still doesn’t work even after running the script and restarting a couple times. Why is this happening? Also sorry if this is a duplicate of another post, I wasn’t sure.

how can we possible know that?


Possibly because Alpine isn’t a supported distribution (of the audio script). I am using Fedora 40 on a C434T and it works fine.

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But there’s code for alpine in lines 134 and 135 of

elif distro.lower().__contains__("alpine"):
    bash(f"apk add --no-interactive {alpine_package}")

Yes, Ubuntu’s in there too and it is also unsupported.
But you could try opening an issue on github and provide logs.

alpine works fine with the script

Cool. Didn’t see it in the “Officially Support Distros” list, but guess I shouldn’t have assumed it wasn’t then. (and I see the “Other Distros” section now too.)