Audio Drivers not working on Acer 317, Windows 10 installation

Hey guys,
Windows 10 is running flawlessly so far, I dont even needed to install the keyboard or bluetooth drivers separately.
But I am facing issues getting the audio drivers to run properly now.
I purchased the drivers, registered the license and installed the drivers as advised and restarted my acer 317 chromebook.
The driver seems to be installed correctly and I can switch Device Output from 3,5mm to speaker.
Unfortunately theres no sound on either setting.
Is there something I am missing?


I’m not a Windows guy, but I’m pretty sure it’s due to the Multimedia Controller that’s missing a driver

I tried finding the fitting drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled all chipsets and the coolstar drivers nd finding the multimedia controller. No success. I even installed windows 11 64 bit. Still no sound, still no response, and I paid money for the driver that doesnt work as it should.

the drivers do work, but you’re not going to have working audio if the underlying controller isn’t working.

So they dont work as described. Neither with windows 10 nor with windows 11. Patreon just took another 11€ from my balance for the patreon subscription. Is this a fkn scam guys?

the instructions clearly say to create the subscription, then cancel it after the payment has gone through, because patreon has no mechanism for one-time payments. this is a PEBKAC problem.

The problem is that the drivers dont work. Still. And I paid for them. And theres no support what so ever. Only you, thinking it is more important to go after my question if this is a scam, rather than solving the actual problem.

I’m not the creator of these drivers, and I don’t owe you any support.

I also already told you the problem – the missing drivers for the Multimedia Controller – which you have failed to address. I don’t know how anybody can be having audio issues and not realize that’s likely contributing if not the entire cause of the problem.

You reinstalling a bunch of unrelated drivers and even switching to Win11 shows a fundamental lack of basic Windows driver troubleshooting – a skill which is essential to being able to run Windows on a device which wasn’t designed for it.