Hi, I recently installed UEFI and w11 on this device and after installing all the downloads from coolstar’s guide there seem to be various driver issues (device manager below). I’ve been trying to fix it for a few hours, and the one term i hear being thrown around pretty much every time something like this happens is dptf. If i could I would definitely troubleshoot the device using it, but I swear I must be blind because everybody talks about dptf in the forums like it’s super easy and simple to locate but i cannot for the life of me track it down. Afaik it’s not included in coolstar’s installation guide for this specific computer and I can’t find it anywhere else. If someone could offer a download link or just point me in the right direction I would massively appreciate it
what is the board name? GALITH?
The issue has nothing to do with DPTF, I’m not sure where you read that but it’s irrelevant. The problem is that GALITH has two nearly identical trackpads which use the same i2c address, and the firmware can’t distinguish between them, and having both devices present is causing Windows to shit itself (Linux has no problem and ignores the one not there).
The only resolution to this problem is for me to build two separate images for GALITH and have the script dynamically select at the time of flash, which is apparently what I’m going to need to do
thanks for the explanation and quick answer. should i watch the github for an update in the near future or just bite the bullet and install linux?
I’ll try to push an update tomorrow for you
@asparagus79 please ping me here or on Discord so I can walk you thru testing a way I devised to determine the correct touchpad type. You’ll need to boot a Linux live USB to be able to run my script
Hello, good afternoon, I have the same problem. Can you help me please
I’m still trying to sort out a permanent solution for this device
Perfect then let’s wait, I thank you very much
Hi. Exact same issue with the latest script.
waiting on Google to allocate the bits I need in FW_CONFIG to properly resolve the issue
@MrChromebox I’m having the same issue with the Win11 Track pad was there any fix for this?
the fix has been pushed to the main script, just run it and use the option to set your trackpad type in SSFC, then reboot into Windows. It’s a 1-time fix.