Asus ChromeBox 3, i7-8550U, to windows 11

hello to all…
i have the Asus Chromebox 3, with i7-8550U, and i want to install windows 11…
i read on mr.chromebox site, must use the screw & Cmos battery method…
here i read the battery only, i am comfuse.
please tell me what must do to install windows 11???
ok i see i must buy the audio driver, no problem (or anything more to buy)
i see in step by step to press refresh button, what is that button in a pc keyboard???
ty for listen me…

where do you see this? there is nothing on my site about a battery. It says CR50 (suzyQ)/screw.

maybe i make mistake, but i read this…

and here i read only battery needed for windows…

So like i say, i don’t know what to do to install windows

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that is 100% correct. you don’t see battery as a WP method for TEEMO like you do for SYNDRA.

coolstar’s site is showing directions for a Kabylake Chromebook, not Chromebox. My site has the correct instructions for how to enter developer mode and how to disable WP.

I’m not coolstar, you didn’t donate to me and I don’t have a license portal or sell drivers.