Hi, hope I can find some help/answer. I’m kind of stuck right now.
Since I didn’t want to complety wipe chrome os at first I decide to try to dual boot via RW_LEGACY firmware. Its take me a little time but I manage to complete the installation of Pop_os.
Go out for diner, come back, reboot my device to test if I can still acces chrome os and see this screen.
ctrl + L do nothing.
If I try ctrl + alt + power to enter recovery mode its boot to this page.
I try some thing I saw online about a TMP error. Something like power on, wait 30 sec, power off by holding power 7 sec, wait a couple of second and reboot. Repeat at least 6 times. Didn’t change anything.
I remove the SSD to see what hapen if I boot without a drive and its the same screen. Does this mean I somehow break my SSD?
Don’t have any other SSD right now to make more test.
If its can help my device is BANSHEE
Thank to anyone who take the time to read this!