Acer 315 Soft-Bricking after closing the lid

I’ve seen this a few times here but I guess I’ll add to the pile with a different version of Chromebook. I’ve successfully loaded Windows 11 on my MAGMA Chromebook (Acer 315 - intel N6000).

Every time I close the lid/clam-shell the machine becomes unresponsive upon opening - black screen, off, etc. I have to hard power cycle to get picture back up. I’ve turned off all necessary power saving parameters including setting it to “Do nothing” when closing the lid of course - nothing seems to work.

At this point I’m thinking maybe I need to find the wire for the lid sensor and clip it. I just need the machine to be able to be reliably closed and opened without soft-bricking it.

Any help appreciated! I’d even take wiring schematics at this point.