Lenovo ThinkCentre M60q Chromebox bricked with UEFI Full ROM Firmware

erase / write does work for unbricking (flashing back the backup), so the verification error might be cosmetic or a bug in flashrom? I tried several debug cables and got verification error every single time.
Can you provide a debug UEFI rom which more logging? I saw the same logs as sinfall, nothing particularly interesting

no, it’s not. It simply doesn’t have to erase/write that block since it matches the backup file. It’s never changing from the backup – the erase/write is failing when you are flashing the UEFI Full ROM.

ping me on Discord or drop me an email and I’ll provide a debug build to flash

Did you find a solution for this?

an updated build was posted to the firmware utility script which resolves the issue

I wasn’t able to get Linux installed with (UEFI) Full ROM, all sorts of freezing / disk not found errors.

But installing Linux with RW_LEGACY did work, I used the entire disk since I don’t plan to use ChromeOS